Principles and effectiveness of microbiological containment measures in COVID-19 pandemic induced by SARS-CoV-2.
Ayesha Rafiq, Abeer Kazmi, Amir Ali, Sher Mohammad, Naeem Shah, Kiran Shabir, Sumaiya Khatoon
An outbreak of deadly clinical syndrome COVID-19 in Wuhan, China has spread rapidly across the world. It is currently required to develop methods and principle of containment measures with risk assessment, categorize the laboratory design, approaches the training and procedures to evaluated compliance. Considering the transmission dynamics of coronavirus pathogen (physical contact, droplet, or aerosol), certaineffectivemeasuresshould be followed to reducetheexposure of risk. Theseguidelinesareeffective, not only for thehealthworkers but also forgeneralpublic to encouragethemforadapting protectivebehaviours whichwill help to overcomethis pandemicsituation. The rationalandoptimizeduse of PPEs willserve as an initiative measure in solving theirglobal crisis.